It’s hard to come back to our gray realities after such an emotional conference. Correction – reality is no longer as gray as it might seem at first glance. Memories from Saturday’s conference continue to make our hearts beat faster and bring a big smile to our faces.
It was a special Saturday with amazing women. At this conference, the time had come to learn how to take our first steps. You probably know very well how difficult it can be to move into the unknown, and even more so if you don’t feel completely prepared. Our heroines boldly took that step up onto the stage to tell us moving stories from their lives, to encourage us to give up our fears and believe. Believe in the One who has us as the apple of His eye, who planned us with care and diligently created us, and who loves us immeasurably. This is the kind of person you can trust and keep on trusting. And most importantly, we don’t have to be perfect. We can be ourselves. Therefore, participants at the conference decided to take their first steps in various areas of life. There were decisions to stop some things, or start others. We know for sure that it will be a bumpy road, but if God is on our side, who can stand against us?