- give.net by Stewardship
Our accound
More information: https://www.give.net/pages/for-fundraisers/
Gift Aid https://blog.give.net/gift-aid/
2. Via PayPal
You can support us by sending money via PayPal.

Send your gift to The Anchor Foundation by using PayPal.Me
Go to paypal.me/FundacjaKOTWICA and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it’s easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries. Getting one is fast and free.
3. You can support us by sending gifts in any amount to our account:
PL 32 1050 1953 1000 0090 8035 1373
Adress: ul. Hutnicza 20C, 20-218 Lublin
Bank name: ING Bank Śląski
BIC Swift code: INGBPLPW
4. Support us with your time
Join our volunteers and together we will build faith, share hope, and show love.
We invite all those who are interested in volunteer work with our foundation to partner with us. The more hands we have to do the work, the more we will accomplish.
5. Support us through prayer
For all of your support, we sincerely thank you!