Lately at Kids’ Club the children have been spending more and more time on board games. And it’s no surprise, as there are many advantages to board games, but most of all, they are great icebreakers and very “absorbent” of children’s energy. That makes them an ideal tool to begin classes before focusing on more peaceful things, like learning.

Board games during Kids’ Club
Because many are celebrating love today, at the beginning of club we pulled out the most-loved game of the Anchor kids – Halli Galli, also known to us as “Fruities”. The game consists of 56 cards with varying numbers of fruit on them, from 1 to 5. All of the elements are clear and understandable, so there’s no problem identifying which fruit has just appeared in the game.
The set also includes THE Magic Bell. Why is it magical? See for yourself what happens when you sit it on the table.
Halli Galli

The rules of the game are very simple. Each player receives a pile of cards turned upside down, and the bell is placed in the middle. Cards are turned over one by one until there are 5 of the same type of fruit visible on the table. Whoever notices first needs to ring the bell as quickly as possible. Whoever rings the bell first gets all of the cards on the table. It’s very important, because in this game, the more cards you have, the better. You need to remember that 5 of the same fruit can appear all on one card, or spread across several cards. We ring the bell only when there are exactly 5 – no more, and no less. If someone makes a mistake and rings the bell at any other time, he must give every other player one card from his stack. This one card sometimes saves certain players from being out of the game. When there are only 2 people left we play until the “first ring of the bell”. If someone rings first and there are 5 of the same fruit, that person wins. On the other hand, if someone rings the bell by mistake, he must give his cards – and the victory – to his opponent.
Even though the game is extremely simple, it brings out many emotions, gives a lot of joy and teaches most of all perceptiveness and agility. Here age does not matter. The only requirement is being able to count to five.